
Employer Resources

Demonstrate your company’s deep commitment to your employee’s financial well-being through empowering education. Trust Point currently helps over 200 companies with their retirement plans, so we understand that simply offering an employee retirement savings plan does not guarantee its success. Your employees must understand their plan and how to use it to best maximize their retirement dollars.

Customizable Education Sessions

We offer group and one-on-one education sessions to ensure your participants are taking full advantage of their plan. Participant education utilizes easy-to-understand language and custom-designed presentation materials to educate and motivate your plan participants.

Education Session Topics

Providing information that participants are interested in is more likely to lead to a higher participation rate and long-term success. Below are examples of education services we offer for all plan sponsors and participants. You know your employees best; if there are any special topics or concepts you believe would be of particular interest, we will work with you to incorporate those topics into the presentation and supporting materials.

  • 401(k) Investment Basics
  • Budgeting
  • Estate Planning
  • Investing 101
  • Retirement Readiness
  • Financial Planning
  • How to Have the Retirement of Your Dreams

Additional Resources to Benefit Your Team

Our goal is to add value to your retirement plan by providing educational materials and communication to your employees. Here is how we keep your employees informed.

  • Monthly newsletter to help your plan participants feel more confident in their financial wellness
  • Blog on key financial insights and topics
  • Library of educational videos
  • On-demand webinar recordings
  • Downloadable guides for more in-depth insights on topics

If you have questions or feedback about our resources or educational opportunities, please contact us at 833-637-5360.

Education Success Stories

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100% 401(k) Participation Rate After Education

A local employer had a SEP IRA Plan (Simplified Employee Pension plan) but the employees were unsure what to do with the money they received. After Emerj360 hosted a kickoff presentation for the company’s new 401(k) plan, there was a 100% participation rate in the new 401(k) plan. We love to hear that education can help empower employees to enhance their retirement savings!
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Boost in 401(k) Program Interest

After Emerj360 hosted an education session for employees of a local employer, there were over 30 employees who requested 401(k) enrollment information from their Human Resources team. Kudos to those employees for taking the next step in their retirement savings journey!
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Empower Your Team

When employees are busy with their day-to-day life at home and at work, it can be easy for them to forget about reviewing their 401(k) and benefit options. Schedule an education session with our experienced team to remind your employees of the great benefits you offer and to help them understand and take advantage of your great 401(k) plan.

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