We offer group and one-on-one education sessions to ensure your participants are taking full advantage of their plan. Participant education utilizes easy-to-understand language and custom-designed presentation materials to educate and motivate your plan participants.
Providing information that participants are interested in is more likely to lead to a higher participation rate and long-term success. Below are examples of education services we offer for all plan sponsors and participants. You know your employees best; if there are any special topics or concepts you believe would be of particular interest, we will work with you to incorporate those topics into the presentation and supporting materials.
Our goal is to add value to your retirement plan by providing educational materials and communication to your employees. Here is how we keep your employees informed.
If you have questions or feedback about our resources or educational opportunities, please contact us at 833-637-5360.
When employees are busy with their day-to-day life at home and at work, it can be easy for them to forget about reviewing their 401(k) and benefit options. Schedule an education session with our experienced team to remind your employees of the great benefits you offer and to help them understand and take advantage of your great 401(k) plan.