Brett Sebion

Financial Coach
As a Financial Coach for Emerj360, Brett delivers retirement plan communications and education to current retirement plan participants and potential Emerj360 clients.
Brett Sebion

Brett Sebion
Financial Coach, Emerj360

With a proactive approach to relationship management, Brett provides clients with the sound advice and the personal attention they deserve. Brett is dedicated to continuous learning and staying up to date on the latest market trends, ensuring clear and effective communication with every client.

Brett graduated from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse with a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics. Prior to transitioning into his new role for Emerj360, Brett was an Investment Relationship Manager in Trust Point’s Investment Department.

Acting as current Treasurer, Brett volunteers his time to the La Crosse Thanksgiving Dinner Board. In his free time, he enjoys refereeing basketball, spending time on the river with family, and catching a few rounds of golf.

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