
Man looking worried while looking at paperwork

Why Do We Worry About Money?

It may be surprising to hear, but even those who’ve accumulated substantial wealth may still worry about money. While financial success often...
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Retired man looking at his phone

Navigating 6 Common Retirement Pitfalls

Much is written about the classic financial mistakes that plague start-ups, family businesses, corporations, and charities. Some classic financial missteps have been...
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man and woman smiling at papers on a clipboard

The Real Answer to Your Financial Questions: It Depends

When it comes to personal finance, one of the most common—and frustrating—answers you’ll hear is, “It depends.” Whether you’re asking about the...
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Retired couple smiling inside a convertible

Take a Retirement Test Drive

When we think about retirement, we often focus on financial readiness. But an equally important aspect is how you’ll spend your time....
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A Primer on Dividends

A Primer on Dividends

When looking for income-generating investments, some investors turn to dividend-yielding stocks. When a company makes a profit, that money can be put...
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Couple counting their budget

The Average American Budget

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household earns an average of $82,852 a year before taxes and spends...
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For 401(k) Plan Participants, Consistency is Key

Recent research1 from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI) found that 401(k) plan account balances increased significantly...
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Retirement Readiness Session: Plan and Secure Your Future

Heather Jordan and Brett Sebion from the Emerj360 were excited to be present at an in-person retirement readiness session to share insights...
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Why Your Credit Score Matters and How to Improve It

What’s the big deal about maintaining a good credit score? The big deal is that a good credit score can get you...
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6 Benefits of Having A Budget

The importance of making a budget is a financial lesson that cannot be overemphasized. If you and your family want financial security,...
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